Program arguments processing utility

Download V1.2

Simple C functions to easily process the console program arguments.


By using the utility, the call to your program may look like

your_exe -options value0 value1 -argf args.txt ...
    your_exe : your program
    -options : first argument
    value0   : the first value of argument '-options'
    value1   : the second value of argument '-options'
    -argf    : load the arguments from the file
    args.txt : the file contians the arguments

And your main function may look like

// Step 1: include the utility header
#include "progarg.h"
// Step 2: define the optional helper text
 static char Utxt[] = {...};
// Step 3: define the optional arguments list. If not defined, all arguments will be accepted. Otherwise, the utility will terminate the exe if it sees any un-excepted argument.
static char *Arguments[] = {...};
// Step 4: define the optional alias for the argument values, for example "true"==0
alias_ps alias_g[] = {...}

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // configurations

    // Initialize the utility, it must be called before calling any other utility functions

    // have access to the arguments

The utility can also read the arguments from a configuration file. Then, call your exe with arguments "-argf file_path". The configuration file may look like:

-itype Bin
-ibyte 2
#strArg has 1 value: stringargument
-strArg stringargument
#strArg1 has 1 value: string argument
-strArg1 "string argument"
#strArg2 has 2 values , 1-->string ,2--> argument
-strArg2 string argument
#strArg3 has 1 value: string * # argument
-srtArg3 "string * # argument"

For any line, text after symbol "#" is comment and will be ignored.